Mortal Kombat 9 PS3, Xbox 360 Video avance

Mortal Kombat 9 PS3, Xbox 360 Video avance
Video Rating: 4 / 5

The new trailer of Bionic Commando Next-Gen for Xbox 360, PS3 & PC
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. @prodigijorge yo que sepa si va a salir en xbox

  2. MrLamaravilla25

    @prodigijorge a quien le importa kratos si eres fanatico de mortal kombat kratos keda de sobra en mortal kombat y ademas ya juge con kratos en mortal kombat y es una basura escorpion se lo madrea


  4. todos chinguen a los juegos cagones disfutemos de mortal kombat 9

  5. @Gad0sama aprende a escribir


  7. lo mas genial de este juego esq va a salir KRATOS!!!

  8. @darkjoemm tonto tambne spara 360

  9. Por fin los encargados de los juegos dejaron de rascarse el culo e isieron algo que todos deceaban.


  10. wuau son pokitos comdentarios

  11. me voy a comprar un playstation 3 nomas para jugar este juego jajaja

  12. Lo compro definitivamente !!

  13. DarkArcangel181

    sin duda tengo que comprarlo !!!

  14. Mierda.. Porke no para pc u.u

  15. gracias, que bueno que sepa hablar español y este en europa ya q las noticias q dan uds, son para España y por ejemplo los precios y la fecha de lanzamiento q dan de tecnologia no son tan distintos de italia, asi q esta pagina es perfecta para mi muchas gracias desde Italia.

  16. se ve muy prometedor este videojuego

  17. xxxTECHNOBOYxx

    wowww soy seguidor de este juego…me gustaria saber si hay alguna noticia o algun proyecto sobre killer instinct…estos juegos la rompen..muy buena info…5******

  18. se ve que el juego esta muy bueno Gracias

  19. Se ve muy bien el nivel grafico del juego ,habra que probarlo!!
    Saludos dede Argentina

  20. Muy buen aporte Amigo. Saludos desde Perú.

  21. YeaH! uno de los mejores juegos de pelea va a ser este

  22. o.O Asombroso!

  23. Excelente vídeo… primero en reproducir el vídeo y en comentar, lamentablemente tengo play station 2 xdd!

  24. Waw, se ve genial, y al parecer sera un muy buen juego

  25. yo hoy me compre el juego bionic comando molaaaaaaaaa 2 abril 2011

  26. FormerlyMrBean667

    Woo, Mike Patton!

  27. Peter Parker helped design this game!

    BTW, if y’all want four thousand mic live points, check the videoe I uploaded today. there is a hacked retail offer circulating, and I got myself 2 of these bitches, sold one on ebay for 40 bucks.

  28. 1:24 Spiderman much?

  29. what happened with his wife?

  30. @geekpubb Yeah but the gameplay and the graphics are good,physX are amazing,shading is great,streaming and draw distance is awsome but the storyline is very dissappointing,incomplete,and hard-to-understand
    I’ve never been a BC fan before until i saw this on related searches on gamespot, Gameplay too sucks at sometimes like levels are too linear,multiplayer sucks at some points,repeatitive missions etc. but in overall this game is good

  31. the best part is from 0:00-2:23

  32. @DieselGTX OBVIOUS SPOILER TERRITORY! It’s kinda hard to explain. She is in the Bionic Arm. Basically they need the memories of someone close to the person the bionic parts are being attached to, otherwise it doesn’t sync to the individual. That’s what I got out of it anyway. Haven’t played it in a while and the actual plots hazy to me.

  33. Failed Game.

  34. 1:17 what the hell are they doin to spence’s wife can somebody answer? i finished this game and didn’t even see that bitch (of course in some dream cutscenes)

  35. 34 people REALLY need Bionic asses

  36. how about a bionic ass?

  37. Spider-man?

  38. @xtianv13 LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. themasterthanatos

    @xtianv13 and now; Bionic Commando confirmd to MARVEL VS CAPCOM 3 :O

  40. @dynamicz108 think you are

  41. @arbayer2 because they are all non gamers. swinging was too hard to do, Wow this game had some learning curve. Very very underrated game.

  42. @ghost505xxx i loved this game , think you suck harder. Damn non gamer.

  43. doodledoodlede

    @xtianv13 i love this song as i was reading it i sang it in the tune in my head

  44. guy dont buy this game trust me i bought it :
    it SUCKS believe me DONT BUY IT >>>>>

  45. WowWoahWowWoah

    Rock Star has officially confirmed the GTA 5 opening cinematic some how has been posted on a few differnet gaming forums ya probably heard ppl talking about on their twitter pages and what not. I can spare u a lil searchin, U can view the leaked GTA 5 trailer @ the URL right here (copy and paste into url bar)
    The game looks really amazing even thought it has not even been announced.. You could msg me on Xbox Live my tag is cocaya6099 ;]

  46. ending sucked but good game

  47. @HateCoD i’m sure it was great, but it strayed way too far away from the original NES game or its remake to bear much of a resemblance. so fans of the original hated it for that. as a game it looks pretty badass. ^__^

  48. in NES is better

  49. @xtianv13 lolz 😀 :)))

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